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Almost There


Narges Mohammadi, Almost There, furniture and loam, 2.5 x 0.8 x 1.6 m (l x w x h), 2020. As shown in the exhibition Moving Stories at Museum Valkhof (Nijmegen). Permanent collection of FENIX Museum of Migration. Photography by Marysia Swietlicka. Courtesy of Narges Mohammadi & Copperfield, London.

Project image


Almost There consists of a selection of everyday interior objects that would make me feel at home at any given place. I covered the objects with a thick layer of loam, making the seemingly light objects unbearable to lift.

The title reflects a condition that many people in irregular situations are confronted with. Being on the run requires a flexible attitude because of the volatility and lack of regularity one has to go through; the constant feeling that one has to go through another hurdle, another hardship, another place, another border, or another bureaucratic procedure to finally be able or be allowed to arrive somewhere. The position of some of the elements in this installation, including the coat and the suitcase, emphasises the willingness to move. It remains uncertain whether this is a process of placement (installing the furniture and the plant) or movement (preparing for a coming departure).

Photography by Marysia Świetlicka