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On an island

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A handful of mint

Narges Mohammadi, Op een eiland [On an island], multi-sensorial dinner, 30 x 30 cm copper plate and mint. As shown at Waterwerken, Buitenplaats Brienenoord (Rotterdam), 2022. Photography by Lizzy Zaanen. Courtesy of Narges Mohammadi & Copperfield, London.

Project image


The multi-sensory dinner programme Op een eiland [On an island] took place at the end of my residency at Waterwerken, Buitenplaats Brienenoord (Rotterdam). I invited self-taught chef Yannik Güldner and six writers and artists to explore together the relationship between water and land. Alongside the dinner programme, I created an artwork that will remain part of Buitenplaats Brienenoord.

The dinner programme highlighted the notion of digesting and showed experiences of hope and hopelessness in relation to being bereft of land or water. In response, the food was prepared without the direct use of water, and the ingredients were sourced as locally and biologically as possible. The dishes, prepared by Yannik, were inspired by the texts by acclaimed writers and artists Sahar Shirzad, Tina Farifteh, Mina Etemad, Saba Askary, and Melisa Can. These texts were recited during the dinner. Throughout the evening, percussionist Christian Smith performed a combination of live and recorded sounds inspired by the island, the texts, and the dishes.

Photography by Lizzy Zaanen

Many thanks to

Sous-chef: Gabriel
Dishwasher/kitchen help: Alicja
Vegetables: Tuinderij de Knotwilg (Yvonne Bos)
Drinks: André Kerstens
Team Buitenplaats Brienenoord: Maurice Meewisse, Sander Zweerts de Jong, Maurice Specht
Graphic design: Szymon Hernik

Made possible by

Buitenplaats Brienenoord