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Perhaps it is only among the warm sunlit stones that I feel home


Narges Mohammadi, Perhaps it is only among the warm sunlit stones that I feel home, furniture and loam, 9 x 8 m, 2019. Photography by Io Sivertsen. Courtesy of Narges Mohammadi & Copperfield, London.

Project image


In Perhaps it is only among the warm sunlit stones that I feel home, I intertwined two memories of belonging. The displaced and estranged feelings that I experienced in my friends' houses in our former place of residence in Noord-Limburg, I captured in a similar interior of a living room made of loam. Loam is a construction material consisting of sand, clay, and hay that evoked a bottomless feeling of homesickness in me during a work trip to Marrakesh. Perhaps it was the loam or Marrakesh's architecture that reminded me of our home in Afghanistan?

With covering the interior of a living room in loam, I left traces behind of how I applied the construction material with my bare hands. Deeply engraved, the earth-tinted imprints of my hands stonified onto an interior that felt cold and alien. In this installation the stonified reminiscent of the living room of my childhood evoke a stillness in time and space, further enforced by loam's qualities of isolating sound and temperature.

Photography by Io Sivertsen

Many thanks to

Lema Ahmadi, Evely Reijnders and Tamim Mohammadi.