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Narges Mohammadi, Give a flour, drawings with markers, 2020. Courtesy of Narges Mohammadi & Copperfield, London.

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Around the time of creating the work Passing Traces (2020), I was experimenting with different compounds of the main ingredients, eventually calculating the correct proportions and then purchasing the right products. But the ingredients were sold out in all shops. The COVID-19 pandemic led to many people spending unprecedented amounts of time at home and thus leading to a surge in baking. It was not even possible to order more than three packages of flour online.

In a longing for halva, a delicious treat from the SWANA region mostly made of a flour base, I found myself engaged in a search for its ingredients. Physically unable to get the flour, I decided to start drawing. On social media, I asked for flour in an open call, where by creating this moment of exchange I could connect the potential remote audience with the work I wanted to realise.

Many thanks to

Erik Kamaletdinov