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In Your Touch, I Remain: Round Table


Narges Mohammadi, In Your Touch, I Remain, group exhibition and round table discussion at Omstand (Arnhem), 2021. Photography by Natascha Libbert and Yvonne Zijp. Courtesy of Narges Mohammadi & Copperfield, London.

Project image


Participating artists, Solenne Tadros, Riun Jo, Suyoung Yang, Emmeliine de Mooij and Narges Mohammadi, in conversation with their parents on art and artmaking, the power of language and belonging. Language of the round table conversation is in the preferred, and/or mother tongues; being Korean, Farsi, Dutch and English. During the round table conversations the artists translated live to and from the spoken languages with their parents. The audience hears the in English translated answers given by the parents. Moderated by Nazmiye Oral.

Photography by Yvonne Zijp

Many thanks to

Nazmiye Oral, Rakesh Hanoeman, Ivo Rodrigues and Stein van der Ziel.

Made possible by

Gemeente Arnhem

Mondriaan Fonds

Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds

Provincie Gelderland

Stroom Den Haag

TotalSeat Amersfoort